Dec 20, 2021 5:15:23 PM | CEN News

Christian Emergency Network: Defending the Faith

Be AWARE!  Actor Kirk Cameron courageously defends sharing his Christian faith  in Public Libraries.  Schools in one state are taking an oat...

Friday, December 9, 2022

Defending the Faith



Actor Kirk Cameron courageously defends sharing his Christian faith  in Public Libraries.  Schools in one state are taking an oath against violence. Man sets fire to a cross and is charged with hate crime. Christian group is denied restaurant service and labeled as threatening. The outrageous betrayal by U.S. officials ignoring over seven thousand Nigerian Christians being slaughtered continues. 

Learn more about these and other threats facing CHRISTIANS, CHURCHES and Christian SCHOOLS around the globe in:



Burglaries, Arson and Violent Attacks on Churches up 80% in two years

DHS Includes Legislative Measures to Protect Houses of Worship 

Hate Crimes Against Jews Highest in 19 years

Provo City Temple Vandal Suspect Arrested

MS Man Sets Fire to Cross Found Guilty of Hate Crime


Knife Wielding Man Shot Dead Chasing Church School Principal 

VA Organizers Sponsor After School Satanic Club

School Makes Oath Against Violence

Having a plan at the school your loved ones attend, or perhaps a school you work at is of paramount importance in today’s society. Responsive plans alone are not adequate. The CPPS Safe Schools Program is a tiered PROACTIVE approach in use at many learning facilities around the country. It arms the students, parents/guardians, teachers, and the administrators with knowledge of what to look for and when to report something that is suspicious. You just add the names of whom to report the incident to! This holistic approach will help to ease tensions, relax students and faculty, which will then facilitate more learning. Watch the CPPS SafeSchools

For more information contact: 



Family Foundation Refused Restaurant Service

Charges Dropped on Priest who Counsels Women Against Abortion

Americans favor Religious Liberty for Medical Professionals

Restaurant Refuses to Serve Christian Group

Nebraska Violence Threats Against Pro Lifers


Outrageous Betrayal of Nigerian Christians

Relentless Christian Violence Grips Haiti

Attacks on Indian Christians on the Rise

Join with other Christians facing the extremist persecution and threats to our Christian community today - we are stronger together as a ReadyCity

...Thus says the LORD to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s.’  2 Chronicles 20: 15b 

LORD our Great and Almighty Father, we see the increasing of evil and affliction in our day as did King Jehoshaphat our ancestor. They were oppressed as we are by those who oppose Your ways and seek to overthrow those who trust in You. But Your word instructed them as it does for us today to not be fearful.  Our enemy wants us in fear and discouragement, but instead we look to Your eternal, infallible Word to remember that our battles today are also Yours. We give the battles to You now of injustice, drugs, overreaching government, biases and lies, cover ups that blind and deceive, lawlessness unchecked and so much more. Father, we exalt You who see everything, no thing is thought or done without Your full knowledge.  Jesus the Christ, Son of God in You we ask for these numerous battles–overcoming victory AMEN.



Start your own home church using ReadyChurch to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically ready to stand with the Hope of Christ in the midst of the widespread chaos and uncertainty unfolding around us!

The CEN step-by-step self-directed training guides will help you: find like-minded Christians, assess your capabilities, make a plan, build your team, and respond together sharing the Hope of Christ in ANY crisis.

  • Get started by mobilizing your ReadyChristian family first.

  • Begin by setting up a ReadyChurch at church or at home. 

  • Protect your brothers and sisters community-wide. Go to ReadyCity

Have a PROACTIVE Plan to respond to any safety crisis in your school? 

Watch the CPPS video SafeSchools and contact:

CEN provides other helpful links to FREE Readiness Resources to prepare your family, church and citywide network. 



Be AWARE, READY and THERE Sharing the Hope of Christ! 

Kirk Cameron Shares Faith in New Book Despite Libraries Blockage

Kirk Cameron Defends Faith Sharing

CEN ALERTS, Advisories, ACTIVE Threat News, and FAQs provide timely actionable weekly information and threat analysis to help the Christian community to be AWARE - READY and THERE sharing Christ for such a time as this! 

CEN provides consulting, coaching, resources and guidance for Christians while monitoring and coordinating with law enforcement and emergency management 24/7. CEN ATN content contains open source news articles which may or may not be the views held by CEN or may contain errors which are not the responsibility of the CEN.

“Be READY to give an answer for the Hope of Christ within you.” 

I Peter 3:15


1 comment:

  1. Father God, You said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" Today we pray that we, as believers, would turn and continue turning back to you. We ask for a moral & spiritual renewal in our hearts. " Let us be READY to give an answer for the Hope of Christ within us!" Amen!





Written By: Admin