City Leadership and Racial ReconciliationMichael Boler


Michael is an experienced crisis response advisor who provides organizational leaders with cutting-edge operational expertise, creative solutions, and a wealth of national, state, and local level experience. With a background as an operations specialist in the U.S. Navy, Michael has served as an advisor to community leaders for over 30 years, leading efforts in racial reconciliation and training underserved faith community groups.

Michael Boler provides national, state and local organizational level experience, vast knowledge in citywide emergency response, cutting edge operational expertise, assistance in solving racial and underserved community needs, and cost-effective creative solutions to organizational leaders in crisis response. 

Michael has been an operations specialist in the U.S. Navy. He was assigned to the U.S. Naval flagship which served as the Joint Task Force in the Middle East. He has been an advisor to community leaders for more than three decades and actively involved in leading his community in racial reconciliation as well as training underserved faith community groups. 

Michael Boler became a leader in the national CEN ministry shortly after it was established. He assisted in the early development stages of the ministry as well as in the testing, developing and publishing of CEN’s four key training modules: ReadyChristian, ReadyChurch, ReadyCity and ReadySchool.  

He is a patient and strategic advisor experienced in how to utilize resources to build maximum community need response capacity.

Expert SpecialtyConsulting and Trainings

City Leadership and Racial Reconciliation


Individual and Family Preparedness


Church Emergency Team 

Setup and Ongoing Development


Coaching and development of a city-wide collaboration to mitigate crisis and emergencies

Racial Reconciliation 

Discipleship Model of Grace Relations Network

Emergency Operations

Life long learning model

Care Management

Casework, Triage, Team Deployment